September 2, 2019

The rise of neo-minimalism

The rise of neo-minimalism

We love following design trends, understanding what colours are hot, what layouts hit the spot and what fonts everyone wants!

There is never a time when everything that can be learnt has been learnt so keeping up to speed with what other designers are doing is a great way to find new inspiration. That often means learning new styles but sometimes it’s actually more about understanding just how far a style can go. From time to time it even leads to new definitions being created and we can often observe how one trend led to another which is great fun but also helps us to understand how we could create something really fresh too.

Over the last couple of years we’ve seen simple designs rising in popularity with plain text and just a small point of colour. The Thameslink logo is a great example, with just a straight pink line representing the direct journeys the service enables.

Microsoft launched new simple logos which used colour and shape to reflect the purpose of each package in 2018 and trends moved towards limited colour palettes – check out the styling of the Disney movie The Incredibles 2 for some great examples.

When you take this idea further forward we start to see combined shapes to create silhouettes, or white space. The Trello logo is a fantastic example, it literally shows how the app looks when it’s in use with two ‘boards’ in a simple square.

In this fast-paced world being able to convey your message rapidly is essential, people simply don’t linger long enough to look for the meaning behind your logo if it needs more than a glance. The added advantage is that your website is free from hefty images and takes a lot less time to load meaning you won’t be losing any customers through frustration!

When you want to cut straight to the point a sleek neo minimalist design can be like a portal transporting your customer to the heart of who you are, so you can spend your first discussion focusing on them and how you can help.

W Legal asked us to develop their visual identity for promotional material, their website, business cards and stationery. Combining the large W with a warm neutral grey creates a comforting yet corporate feel, generating a sense of trust and confidence in potential clients and employees. The tones we selected in the photography complemented the palette perfectly nurturing that air of calm and building the notion of peace of mind.

The neo-minimalism trend is going from strength to strength, we’ve seen versions of it emerge through decades of design with no sign of it slowing down. Design reflects the world around us, as we head into a future in which we reduce all types of waste it’s perhaps a natural progression to see more of this in our design, print and web.

If you’re thinking about distilling your branding to reveal the core essence of your business give us a call on on 0208 590 0922 or email us at today.





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