March 13, 2023

Are you a trend-setter or a trend-follower? Take our quiz to find out!

Are you a trend-setter or a trend-follower? Take our quiz to find out!

As the seasons change, we are, once again keeping you up-to-date on the latest trends as you plan your marketing. But, as we always say when we blog about trends, we love trend-followers and trend-setters. So, we thought we’d put together a fun quiz to help you identify which one you are and maybe provide a little inspiration too…

  1. Your competitors launch a rebrand. What do you do?

a) Plan a similar rebrand to stay current in my industry
b) Stick with my marketing strategy for this year – I’ve done my research
c) What competitors? A flower doesn’t worry about the other flowers, it just blooms


  1. You’re inspired by reading the latest Marcomedia blog on design trends. You …

a) Call the team and ask them to integrate the latest trends into my print and web
b) Meet with the team to discuss the trends that would work best in my industry
c) Arrange an ideas meeting with Marcomedia and some of my best clients to come up with something entirely fresh


  1. It’s time to launch a new service. How do you go about it?

a) Call Marcomedia and ask them about the latest promotional strategies and what’s been working best – then do that!
b) Meet with Marcomedia and plan a personalised integrated email and direct mail campaign designed to target exactly the right people at exactly the right time
c) Plan the most outlandish public event imaginable. Get Marcomedia to design signage, props and gifts and get our brand all over it. Invite media and influencers, then sit back and watch our service become the talk of the town

If you answered mostly A – you have your finger on the pulse!

You keep a close eye on what is happening in your sector and the wider world and you ensure that your brand is always current, relevant and topical. You like to keep things fresh, stand out from the crowd and stay one step ahead. And that’s why people love your brand!


If you answered mostly B – you get the results you want!

You’re a strategic planner and it pays off! You don’t do ‘guesswork’ when it comes to your brand because it’s too important. You take the time to use all the data available to come up with a strategy that will get you the results you want and then you stick to it. Your brand is likely to be around for a very long time!


If you answered mostly C – you’re an inspiration!

You are a leader not a follower and you know how to bring the buzz. You approach your marketing like a true creative, always wanting to come up with something new because that’s what keeps things interesting. Your brand has the potential to become truly iconic!


Do these descriptions sound like you or do you bring something else to the party? However you like to work, our team has the flexibility and creativity to work alongside you, delivering the design, print and web that is perfect for your brand. Call us on 0208 590 0922 or email us at 


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