March 6, 2023

Join us at this high-profile event and become part of history

Join us at this high-profile event and become part of history

People who know us know we are committed to campaigning for a real Living Wage for everyone. We are, of course, an accredited living wage employer, but we believe our responsibility extends beyond this to raising awareness of the daily cost-of-living struggles people are facing and supporting other employers in stepping-up and paying a Living Wage. Big changes are happening when it comes to how we, as a nation, treat our workers, so join us at this special event and be part of history in the making…


London Living Wage Event at Expressway

As well as being home to our Marco HQ studio, Expressway houses almost 200 exciting businesses. The Living Wage movement began in East London, where Expressway is based, so it is fitting that this special event should be held here on Tuesday 21st March 2023 between 10.30am – 1.15pm. You will be joined by businesses of all sizes and hear from organisations on how being Living Wage accredited has benefited them. If you are not yet Living Wage accredited you can get one-to-one support to do this and, whether you are accredited or not, this will present a unique opportunity to network and promote your brand.


The London Living Wage

The London Living Wage is currently set at £11.95 per hour (compared to £10.90 in the rest of the UK) to reflect the higher cost of living in London to workers and their families. More than 2,500 employers in London now pay the London Living Wage and this is increasing all the time. There are many benefits to employers including better staff retention and morale, increased productivity and reduced absenteeism. But, like us, the majority of employers become accredited because looking after the people that look after their organisation is the right thing to do. No worker should have to go hungry so that they can feed their children or have to leave their home during winter just to get warm. Everyone should have earned the right to afford to live.


History in the making

We are living through one of the worst cost-of-living crises this country has ever seen. Ultimately the government needs to address this. But until they do, employers up and down the UK are stepping-up and changing lives. Since the pandemic began, a further 7000 employers signed-up to paying a Living Wage, bringing the total to around 12,000 employers. Since campaigning began, the Living Wage has put over £2bn into the pockets of 450,000+ workers who would otherwise have struggled to afford the basics. Here in Newham, we are part of the Royal Docks Action Group which, since its formation, has seen an increase from six Living Wage employers to approximately 70 – including large employers like ExCeL London which has 3000+ employees, resulting in the Royal Docks being officially recognised as a Living Wage Place. This forms a key part of the Mayor’s plans to make London a Living Wage City. There is still such a long way to go but history is being made and you can be part of it.


You can book your free tickets for the event here.


If you’re an employer and want to chat about the benefits of becoming Living Wage accredited, we’d love to speak with you any time. And, of course, if you’d like to work with a Living Wage supplier, call us on 0208 590 0922 or email us at for anything design, print or web related.

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