September 23, 2019

What your typeface says about you…

What your typeface says about you…

For all our design, print and web work we home in on every element of your intended outcomes to help you send out the right message. From colours, formats, images and papers chosen each choice must speak to your customer about how your brand can serve their needs.

But have you ever thought about your choice of typeface?

You might ask ‘Does that really matter?’ and the simple truth is YES!

Consider a stunning country hotel, something classically beautiful, stately and inviting with a historic feel to the place. Now look up the typeface ‘Comic Sans’. Type out a name of that type of hotel in that font and you will instantly see what we mean. For such a prestigious client we might look at something like a script style font with an elegant feel to it, sweeping curves, luxurious colours, a touch of class that suggests you have been invited into an episode of Downton Abbey for your own personal experience. Alternatively, if the hotel has a contemporary vibe with a different approach to hospitality clean and crisp lines would be a better fit.

For a no-nonsense business, which provides services which cut to the chase and manage your challenges with the minimum fuss, distinct processes and clarity for their clients a clean, sharp typeface with no extras (or ‘sans serif’ as typographers would say) is just the ticket, something with the neo-minimalist vibe we talked about in our previous blog.

If cutting to the truth, being rigorous in checking facts and telling a story is your thing, you might identify with a typeface such as Times New Roman. Quite literally the print you used to see in The Times it puts people in mind of timely reporting, trustworthiness and discussion of pertinent points of the day.

Your font is just like your tone of voice. It shows the persona you wish to portray to your readers. It can be quirky to the point where it takes a moment or two to absorb, or it can be large and blunt, hitting your message home in an instant. In short your typeface can be the vital factor in engaging your audience in the moment they see your material or it can be the very thing that switches them off and loses you that sale.

Here’s five important factors in working with us to choose the perfect typeface:

  • It should portray your business persona, working with your brand to give a consistent message
  • Readability is key, we can spend our time honing the most amazing wording and lose the impact simply because it gets misread!
  • It should work with the media you are using – some fonts work perfectly on a mobile phone screen but not on a printed page
  • Accessibility matters. Think about your audience and whether they can clearly read your material, just small changes in your typeface can make a world of difference!
  • Stand out from the crowd, don’t just use the same as your competition think about your USP and then look for a typeface that fits.

Putting together the right blend of typeface, colours, shapes, formats, images and content is an artform in itself. It’s very easy to get the mix wrong and throw your audience off balance. Working with professional designers means you are buying expertise in finding your unique mix, the one that tells the world exactly who you are as a business and what they will get from working with you.

Ready to put the writing on the wall? Take a bold step and give us a call today on 0208 590 0922 or email

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