February 4, 2021

How design is helping families through lockdown

How design is helping families through lockdown

You have probably seen the numerous memes being shared on social media aimed at parents during lockdown. Many are funny and relatable but one that stuck with us recently said, “There is a reason why people are either working, parenting or teaching – you can only do one at a time.” And yet parents during lockdown are finding themselves trying to do all three. This time around it feels as if there is more understanding and support for struggling families, particularly in the form of design and digital…


Bridging the digital divide

We have certainly seen a growth in the digital side of our work since even before 2020 and many people consider Covid19 to have been the push organisations needed to fully transition online. Now it looks as if, for the time being, schools will also be taking this approach with lessons being given via zoom and teaching resources being disseminated online. However, this has also highlighted the digital divide in the UK with already disadvantaged families struggling to get online. Many large brands, as well as the Government, are donating laptops and waiving data charges during lockdown so that all children can at least access education online.


The Joe Wicks phenomenon and so much more

How do you get a nation to stay home but also get fit at the same time? Two words – Joe Wicks. The PE phenomenon swept the nation during the first lockdown and since then so many more resources that have been developed to keep children learning and entertained. We love The Independent’s round-up which covers some of the best resources from nursery age up to 16 years old.


Getting creative

Whether it’s educational or just keeping them out of mischief, Design Week has come up with this brilliant list of resources to feed kids’ creativity. It also includes children’s creative magazine Anorak which is printed so will give them a break from screen time.


Teachers need support too

We do a lot of work with schools and colleges (you may have seen our recent campaigns for Newham College online or on buses) and many of our friends are teachers. Teachers are not only having to do their jobs in a way they’ve never done them before, with very little notice, they are also having to deal with their own personal lockdown challenges. We loved this article from the TES which gave practical tips to teachers but also touched on self-care and the psychological impact of Covid19. Whether they are working remotely or in classrooms, like all of our key workers, teachers are heroes and we hope they get all the support they need.


In the unlikely event you are trying to work and school at home and you found five minutes to read this we hope it helped! If you are a school that needs help creating digital resources for families we’re here to support you. Or if you are an organisation with an idea for a digital resource that can help in lockdown we’d love to be involved. And for anything design, print or web related, call us today on 0208 590 0922 or email us at info@marcomedia.co.uk We’re here for you throughout lockdown and beyond…        

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