June 22, 2021

Just how brilliant could your branding be?

Just how brilliant could your branding be?

Regular readers will know that we love a colour inspiration blog here at Marco HQ. Discussing colours for new or established brands is one of the most exciting parts of our job because we know how important it is and the striking difference just one pop of bold colour can make to the way people feel about a business. So, imagine how excited we were about the Naturally Brilliant Colour exhibition at Kew Gardens, which allows people to experience colour like never before…


Haven’t we seen all the colours though?

As well as having a giant kaleidoscope and artwork, the exhibition also takes a look at the last 500 years of colour. So it’s fair to say we’ve been examining colours for a long time and ‘haven’t we seen them all?’ is a fair question. But the answer would be ‘yes and no.’ Nature is full of vibrant colours that we may well have seen but we’ve never been able to authentically recreate – until now. Perfect examples are the dazzling blue-greens of butterflies or humming birds. But, for the first time, scientists have been able to recreate them so that we can use them in art, fashion and design.


So how have these ‘new’ colours been created?

Science-inclined readers will know that we aren’t ever seeing colour as such, what we are seeing is light which our brain converts into colour. Certain plants and animals have have microscopic structures in their surface layers which reflect sunlight in specific ways to generate the bright jewel-like colours that amaze us. For the first time, using new technology, scientists have been able to recreate these colours.


What can we see at the exhibition?

Did we mention the giant kaleidoscope? If that wasn’t enough, there is artwork from botanical artist Robert John Thornton, contemporary artist Julia Trickey and the first artwork created with Pure Structural Colour by Coral G Guest. Admission also includes entry to the gardens themselves so you can be inspired by all the colours of nature. And even if you can’t get to the exhibition, why not just step outside and be inspired by the riot of summer colour in full bloom near your doorstep?


Whatever the weather this summer we have colours here at Marco HQ to brighten-up your brand. So why not make this summer a successful one with a bold new campaign? Call us on 0208 590 0922 or email us at info@marcomedia.co.uk We’re here for you throughout lockdown and beyond…

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