November 4, 2021

Looking forward to better times

Looking forward to better times

Whatever you do and whatever your brand, you really can’t go wrong sending clients a customised wall-planner, diary or calendar in time for the new year. Not only is it a practical gift that will help them out, it’s an opportunity to keep your name in front of them for the next 12 months. And advances in print mean that the only limit to how creatively customised they are is your imagination…


Getting your name out there

Calendars, desk diaries, personal diaries, wall-planners, scheduling apps – the options are endless. Sure, we can print your branding on them – but why stop there? How about theming them for your industry with key dates, events, opportunities or deadlines? Alternatively, how about adding in reminders to give you a call throughout the year? Perhaps dates for when you are running special discounts that might appeal to them? This works particularly well with wall-planners where others might see them too.


Getting personal

Or why not tailor their diary or calendar to them? An obvious example might be academic diaries for teachers or students but if you want to get even more personal, a little touch like highlighting their birthday will make any customer feel more connected to your brand.


For keeps

Yes, most people use some sort of app for scheduling personal appointments these days but you might be surprised how many still have a preference for keeping and using traditional diaries and calendars as well. Aside from their practical purposes, when they are designed beautifully they can brighten-up desks and offices. We can help you create wall-planners with the wow-factor, creative calendars and diaries to die for.


So, make a note to call us on 0208 590 0922 or email us at and let’s get a date in your diary!

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