September 15, 2022

The secret to design, print and web that SELLS?

The secret to design, print and web that SELLS?

Let’s cut to the chase: if you’re an independent business and your print, design and web campaigns aren’t translating into sales, you have a problem. For over a decade we’ve helped thousands of businesses create design, print and web that sells…


Sales shouldn’t be a dirty word

The word ‘sales’ is often something we avoid talking about because it makes us think of old-fashioned pressure-selling from years ago. We generally associate the word ‘sales’ with nuisance calls, unwanted mail or pushy people. But this is an outdated view of sales. In reality, sales is just something that we all do, every day, probably without even realising it – whether that’s representing our businesses in the most positive light, providing reliable and professional services to our clients, going above and beyond for them, giving advice or letting people who may need us know how we can help them.


And it shouldn’t be a secret

What works for one business is going to be completely different to what works for another business so there is no one-size-fits-all magic secret to sales and selling (despite what some people on the internet may try to get you to subscribe to). There are several key factors that will increase your sales, broadly speaking: need, media, timing and message. Or in other words, to sell more you need to

  • Ensure that people want what you are selling
  • Ensure that the people you are reaching want what you are selling
  • Ensure that you are reaching those people at the time when they want what you are selling
  • Ensure that you are selling to them in a way that is relevant to them


So how can design, print and web help you sell more?

We’ll assume that people want or need what you are selling. The next challenge is reaching people through the right media or channels at the right time. This is where the evolution of CRM and tracking come into their own. It is now possible to see how your targets shop, purchase and respond to marketing in terrifying detail. ‘Big Brother’ implications aside, the positive of this is that it’s now easier than ever to

  • Target people looking for your service/product
  • Target those people at the right time/place
  • Use cross-channel marketing to influence purchasing


It’s been emotional

Which just leaves the message. The design, print and web that sells the most is the design, print and web that connects the most. If people look at your marketing and immediately see themselves reflected in it – whether that’s because it reflects their needs, their challenges (and potential solutions), their preferences or their lives – they are more likely to engage with it. In other words, the marketing that sells is the marketing that creates an instant emotional connection. We’re all human first, then buyers and suppliers second.


If you’re ready to create intelligence-led marketing that connects and converts, we’d love to help you! Call us on 0208 590 0922 or email us at

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