August 30, 2022

The Five Rs that will get your brand noticed this Autumn

The Five Rs that will get your brand noticed this Autumn

Ah, Autumn. We’ve missed you! A crispness in the air, long sleeves, pumpkins, hot chocolates and, most importantly, not sweating profusely every time we step outside. Autumn also has that Back-to-School feel, whether you are going back to school or not: a new term, a fresh start, a time to look for new suppliers and make purchases. So why not make the most of this fresh, new season by really getting your brand out there?


1. Refresh, revamp, rebrand

What better way to start this new season than with a new look? Freshening up your brand is also actually about far more than looks. An updated, more professional image can significantly change how you and your employees see your business and, more importantly, how your customers see your business. And it doesn’t have to mean reinventing the wheel. A pop of colour here or a logo tweak there really can make all the difference. We’d love to show you some ‘before and after’s of the branding we’ve done for businesses like yours over the years and the difference it has made.


2. Reach out

As we get bogged down in the day-to-day running of our businesses it can be hard to find the time to reach out to customers and prospects. But that is how we grow and making the time to expand our client base when times are good is what enables us to survive when times are not-so-good. But it doesn’t have to mean taking on a time-consuming multi-channel marketing campaign – it could be as simple as going along to your local networking group or investing in just one impactful advertising media. And Autumn is FULL of dates that are perfect excuses to reach out to people. Whether you need business cards or large print for buses, we can help you!

3. Reach further

It’s easy to get stuck in ruts when it comes to how we engage with prospects. This is where the phrase, “if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got” rings true for many businesses. If we are serious about widening our client-base, we have to step outside of our marketing comfort zones. For some brands this might mean finally investing in a more robust advertising campaign, while for others it might mean outsourcing their social media management. Whatever you decide to do differently, the chances are we’ll have experience in it and would be happy to chat it through with you.


4. Re-evaluate

Whether you are trying something new or sticking with a familiar marketing plan, properly evaluating the return on any marketing will save you money and make you more successful in the long-run. Many people make the mistake of running a campaign and then trying to evaluate it, but the best way to evaluate the success of your campaigns is to build-in evaluation from the beginning. Whether that’s setting up a separate landing page, getting people to quote a code or do a quick survey, we can help you identify what works best for you and build on it.


5. Repeat
When you find something that works for you, keep doing it! You don’t help thousands of brands for over ten years without learning that, when it comes to design, print and web, success doesn’t come down to luck. If your marketing campaign is showing good engagement that means you’ve hit the right formular when it comes to audience, medium, visuals, message and timing. So, keep doing what you’re doing and watch your business grow!


Whatever your marketing plans this Autumn, we’re here for you! Call us on 0208 590 0922 or email us at



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