October 20, 2020

How digital is leading the fight against Covid-19

How digital is leading the fight against Covid-19

When we wrote a blog in early February 2020, about this year being a new digital era for healthcare, we did not know just how tragically true that would be. As we type this, eight months later, we are going through a global pandemic and the Government has released the NHS Covid-19 app which will be key to the UK’s management of this ongoing situation. Here are some of the ways that digital is leading the fight against Covid-19…


The app

The reason we wrote the blog on digital healthcare is because we have a background in public and private health communications and marketing. Throughout the pandemic we have been supporting businesses and brands in communicating health messages to their customers, both digitally and in print. We would recommend that every business encourages staff and customers to use the app, whether that’s via an email campaign, in-store or simply on social media. You can download the app here.


Digital dissemination

In fact, throughout lockdown, digital has enabled us to disseminate information like never before. As advice and guidance changes quickly, we can change our digital messages accordingly; we are able to keep in touch with our customers and let them know which products or services are available, how they can access them and what we are doing to minimise risk. We can do this by reaching out to customers personally via email, through our website or via social media. We have been helping organisations ensure that the information they disseminate is always accurate and in keeping with the latest Government advice and branding.


Keeping us connected while distanced

From facetimes with relatives and zoom meetings with clients to keeping each other’s spirits up on Facebook, being digital has enabled us to keep going – whether that’s by staying in contact with the people we love or continuing to function professionally.


Keeping businesses going

Many organisations were already using tech to facilitate a more remote workforce and lockdown gave them the final push to justify this. Other smaller businesses used their digital platforms to keep them afloat – local retailers became delivery companies; personal trainers became webinar broadcasters; some performers found fame on the internet instead of the stage. But for many, times have been even more difficult and redundancies have been a sad consequence. We have been supporting firms who have lost their marketing personnel by supplying marketing services and we would be happy to have a chat with anyone who is thinking of retraining, starting their own business or who we might be able to put in touch with our contacts.


From building new websites, to launching services online, creating apps or simply smartening up social media profiles – we are proud to be helping people survive the new normal. Call us on 0208 590 0922 or email us at info@marcomedia.co.uk We’re here for you throughout lockdown and beyond…

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